Home » Sample Page » What information should you include on your business card?
You probably know that you should get your business cards done by a professional design and print company. Doing your own is time-consuming and rarely cost-effective. So, you’ve found a print shop Glasgow businesses recommend. What do you actually need to have on your business card?

Brand logo

Your unique brand identity is the strongest way you connect with customers. Keep it really consistent and ensure any branding matches your website and any other promotional material. You can also include a tagline if your company uses one.

Your name or business name

If you want it to be clear that you’re the CEO or sales manager, include your own name and have individual cards made for other role holders. If the business card is referring people to contact anyone in the business, just stick with the business name.

Contact details

Don’t fill the business card with every single way you can be contacted – especially if you have multiple social media accounts. What’s the primary way you would like to be contacted? Include that and maybe two more at the most. The most common are phone number, email address and website. However, if you get more referrals through your Facebook page, include this instead.

Job title – if appropriate

If everyone in your business performs multiple roles or has similar responsibilities, this might not be necessary. However, if you’re a sole trader, it might be advisable to follow your name with what you actually do. For example:

Sarah Smith, window cleaner
Bob Jones, florist

Keep it simple – it doesn’t need to be a full description of your duties!

Come speak to your local printing press and discover how we can help you with your business card needs today.